In recent years the corporate world is facing a financial crisis severe enough. This resulted in many large companies out of business, aka bankrupt. This situation eventually forced the surviving company to be able to maintain the continuity of his life can compete with other companies. To be able to perform its activities and can compete with other companies will require either funds or capital obtained from investors and creditors. The funds would be obtained if the company gain the confidence of lenders and investors. Confidence that can be obtained if the firm is able to demonstrate good performance, which can be measured by profits from the company.
Profit is one of the company's goal than to be able to survive (going concern). Earnings quality is the profit that could reflect the continuation of future earnings (Djamaluddin, 2008: 55). Purpose financial statements is to provide information useful for decision making. To facilitate these objectives, the Financial Accounting Standards (IFRSs) set a criterion that should possess in order to use accounting information in decision making. The main criterion is relevant and reliable (Kusuma, 2006: 5). Accounting information is said to be relevant if it can influence the decision to confirm or change the expectations of decision makers, and the information is said to be reliable if it can be trusted and cause the user's information relies on such information.
Reported earnings is also the basis for tax assessment. Often there is a difference between accounting income to taxable profit. This difference is due to differences in their respective destinations in reporting earnings. The difference between accounting profit and taxable profit (book-tax differences) can provide information about earnings quality. The underlying logic is that there is little freedom is allowed in the accounting measurement of taxable profit. According Djamaluddin (2008: 56) the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit (book-tax differences) can provide information about accruals management discretion. The persistence of accounting earnings is revised in the expected accounting profit in the future (expected future earnings) are implicated by the current year's profit (Djamaluddin, 2008: 55). The magnitude of this revision shows the level of earnings persistence. The persistence of earnings is one component of value peridiktif profit, because profit persistence is an element of relevance, then some of the information in the book-tax differences that may affect the persistence of earnings, it can assist investors in determining the quality of earnings and corporate value. But there are still many opinions for and against a statement of whether the book-tax differences may reflect information about earnings persistence.
Manufacturing company is one of several types of companies listed on stock exchanges Indonesia .. Researchers chose manufacturing firms as manufacturing companies are not directly affected by government regulation, in which one component is a tax the government regulations, and to facilitate classify items disclosed.
Based on the description of the background research that has been argued previously, it is the formulation of the problem in this study is whether the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit affects the persistence of earnings coming period. Based on the formulation of the problem that exists, then the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit on the persistence of earnings coming period either simultaneously or partial.
2. Reader Review.
2.1 Earnings Management.
Management as the party most responsible for the performance of the company will attempt to show good performance. The performance of an enterprise can be seen from the profits generated through the company's financial statements. In making financial statements, management sometimes use GAAP flexibility to choose methods appropriate to the company, often resulting in earnings management practices implementation.
Definitions of earnings management has been no definite. Many opinions are expressed understanding of earnings management based on the angle panadang respectively. According to Healey and Walen in Kusuma (2006: 6) is reviewed from the point of view of standard setting bodies declared
Earnings management occurs when management uses in financial reporting policies and in arranging the transaction and change the financial statements and menyesatkam stakeholders on the economic performance of the company or influence contractual outcomes that depend on reported accounting numbers.2.2 Profit Accounting and Income Tax
According to the seventh paragraph of SFAS 46 accounting profit is net profit or loss for a period before deducting tax expense. Meanwhile, the taxable income or taxable profit (taxable profit) or loss (tax loss) is the profit or loss for a period which is calculated based on tax regulations and the basis for calculating income tax.
2.3 Difference Between Accounting And Income Tax Income
In the taxation laws of Indonesia requires the calculation of taxable profit based on the method of accounting on which the calculation of accounting profit. Thus, in making financial statements do not have to do twice the books based on both objective reporting. The difference between accounting income with taxable profit marked by a fiscal correction of accounting profit. Almost all of the profit generated accounting fiscal correction should have to earn taxable income because not all provisions in the financial accounting standards and tax laws used in other words a lot of tax provisions that are not the same as the Financial Accounting Standards (Djamaluddin, 2008: 56)a. Differences Remain (Permanent Different)
Permanent differences are a consequence that must be accepted that it should be excluded from the income statement because it is based on the fiscal or tax regulations can not be charged or not an income. Permanent differences occur because the transaction - transaction revenues and expenses are recognized according to commercial accounting and not recognized by fiscal (Official, 2005: 333). Included in this is the distinction fixed bank interest income, dividends and other income that the nature of the final tax collection; dividends received by persroan limited, cooperatives, foundations, state / local enterprises, interest received by mutual fund companies, and other types of income are dikecualiakan from the object of taxation; remuneration in kind, donations, fees / expenses for the interest deduction pribaidi owners and to others who are not allowed under the fiscal (nondeductible expenses).b. While differences (Temporary Different)Temporary differences are differences between the tax base (DPP) of an asset or liability (Fiscal) with a carrying value of these assets and liabilities (Commercial), which resulted in an increase or increased profit or reduced next fiscal period earnings next fiscal period, at which time the carrying value of the asset is realized or settled. According Harnanto (2003: 113) temporary differences have resulted in the recognition of assets and deferred tax liabilities occurring or arising where:1) the income and / or expense that must be recognized for the calculation of taxable profit and accounting profit for the calculation of the different periods,2) part of the cost in a business combination, which in substance is an acquisition, is allocated to specific assets or liabilities based on fair value adjustments to the accounting and thus are not allowed by tax regulations,3) goodwill or negative goodwill arising on consolidation,2.4 Causes of Differences Between Accounting Earnings and Profits Tax
According to the Official (2005:331) the causes of differences in commercial financial report and fiscal financial report is due to the differences in the recognition principle; differences in accounting methods and procedures; differences in the recognition of income and expenses.
Broadly speaking, income tax accounting principles are as follows:a) Current income tax paid or payable is less recognized as Current Tax Liability (Tax Debt) while the more paid called Current Tax Assets (Receivables Tax),b) the future tax consequences that can be distributed taxable temporary differences are recognized Deferred Tax Liability, whereas the effects of deductible temporary differences and losses not compensated for the rest of Deferred Tax Assets are recognized,c) measurement of tax liabilities and assets based on tax rules apply.
Difference methods and accounting procedures according to the Official (2005: 331) is:a) method of inventory valuation. Commercial accounting allowed to choose some method of calculating the cost of inventory. Meanwhile, according to tax only allows FIFO and Average methods for inventory valuation.b) methods of depreciation and amortization. Commercial accounting depreciation method allows to choose such a straight-line method, the number of years, declining balance, method of production units and others. While based taxation recognizes only straight-line method and declining balance for the group of non-building types of tangible property, intangible property while the building can be limited using the straight-line method
2.5 The persistence of Accounting Earnings.
The persistence of accounting earnings is revised in the expected accounting profit in the future (expected future earnings) are implicated by the current year's accounting earnings (current earnings) (Pennman in Djamluddin, 2008: 57). The magnitude of this revision shows the level of earnings persistence. Innovations on current earnings is informative of future earnings ekspektasian, the future benefits earned shareholders.
Hanlon in Djamaluddin (2008) states that there are some arguments for and against a statement of whether the book-tax differences may reflect information about earnings persistence. Arguments supporting some of the literature comes from the financial analysis which states that the increase in earnings reported by management caused by the method of choice in the process of accrual accounting will cause a big difference between accounting profit and taxable profit. Djamaluddin (2008: 58) states that an increase in deferred tax debt, which reflects the accounting income is greater than the taxable profit earnings quality indicates worsening. While opposing opinion that the book-tax differences may reflect information about earnings persistence now is that there is an explanation that the book-tax differences can be generated through tax-planning strategies.
2.6 A conceptual framework.
Conceptual framework is a synthesis of review of theory and review penelitain earlier. Variable differences between accounting profit and taxable profit is moderating variables that may affect the relationship the dependent variable and independent variables to be positive or negative. Variable profit before tax at this time as the independent variable and the variable profit before tax which will come as the dependent variable. The difference between accounting profit and taxable profit as moderating variables may affect the relationship between accounting profit before tax at this time of accounting profit before tax period to come. Impact that can strengthen or weaken the relationship of independent variables to variable dependen.Persistensi profit is a measure that can describe the company's ability to maintain profits in the future now.
The relationship between accounting profit before tax at the moment and the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit against profit before tax coming period can be described as follows:
Accounting profit before tax in the future
Independent variable dependent variableThe difference between accounting profit and taxable profit
Accounting profit before tax at this time
Variable Moderation
Variable Moderation
2.7 Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis is that the answer must be verifiable while on a research carried out in order to simplify the analysis. The hypothesis of this study is the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit affects the persistence of future earnings over a period of partial amupun both simultaneously.
3. Research Methods.
In this study using design to analyze the causal relationship between a variable with another variable (Umar, 2001 63) The population in this study is the entire field of manufacturing companies listed on stock exchanges of Indonesia. In this case the researchers chose a public company engaged in manufacturing diindustri consideration the number of samples that can be obtained and the reliability of the cost (benefit) cost of deferred tax is presented. Other industries such as banking, too much influenced by government regulation. The population in the study amounted to 151 firms in manufacturing (Indonesia Capital Market Directory, 2008).
The sampling criteria used were:1. manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange and publish audited financial statements are consistent and complete from 2005 to 2007.
and does not exit (delisting) of the JSE during the study period (2005-2007)2. financial statements using the currency of Indonesia and the period end financial statements as of December 31.3. company does not lose in the general financial statements and tax financial statements for the year of observation. The reason is because the losses can be compensated for reducing the cost of the future tax liabilities4. manufacturing company that provides financial company profits are reported not to have fluctuations that are too low and too high.
In the present study the independent variable that is the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit (book-tax differences) as a proxy for discretionary accruals is the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit book-tax differences variable is a variable representing moderation subsample firms with large positive difference, and the big difference the negative. All variables PTBI research PTBI t and t +1 divided by average total assets.
4. Data Analysis Methods.
4.1 Classical Assumptions Test
Methods of data analysis method used is a simple regression analysis and multiple regression with the help of SPSS software or Windows. The use of regression analysis methods in testing the hypothesis terledih first tested whether the model meets the assumptions of classical or not. The test consists of testing the assumption of normality, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and test heterokedasitas.
4.1.1 Normality Test.
Data normality test aims to test whether the regression model, or residual confounding variables have a normal distribution. Based on the results of statistical tests with the model-Smirnov kolmogrov. Asymp value is known. Sig (2-tailed) for model 1 and model 2 are 0261 and 0.183. And both are greater than 0.05.
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